Health & Beauty

Want a New Nose?

Want a New Nose

Usually if you hate your nose, someone else in your family does too. You might look in the mirror and say, “gee thanks dad, why couldn’t I have gotten mom’s nose?” If you don’t like the nose handed down to you, you may consider Rhinoplasty surgery, also known as a nose job. Rhinoplasty Want a New Nosecan change the look of your nose by making it smaller, removing a bump or hump, straightening it or just making it match the rest of your face as you would like to see it. In some cases, Rhinoplasty is the best option because you have broken your nose or suffer from a deviated septum. Having the nose reshaped may be medically necessary.

When you meet with your physician, be open and honest about what you expect and how you envision your new nose. By looking at photographs and evaluating the features of your face, you should have a pretty good idea about the new nose you can have after surgery. Having a nose that you are happy with seems to build a lot of self-confidence. When our nose matches our face in size and shape we like ourselves better in pictures and view ourselves in an all around better way.

Deciding to have Rhinoplasty surgery is a big step and shouldn’t be considered until you are at least 16 – 18 years old. Your face is still growing and changing until age 13 or 14. At Beautologie we offer free consultations and all of our surgeons are board certified. I have personally preformed thousands of Rhinoplasty surgeries and usually do 2 to 3 per month.

After surgery you will want to stay at home and take it easy for at least a week. Most people can return to work (depending on the job) after a week, but sports or weight lifting is not recommend for up to 8 weeks. You will see an immediate change to your nose when the splint is removed, but the full results may not be visible for 6 – 9 months. Most people who chose Rhinoplasty love their new nose and are very happy with their new appearance. If you are considering Rhinoplasty, call Beautologie today and ask for your FREE consultation.

Debra Janet
Hi, I'm Debra Janet and I'm a fashion blogger. I really like to help people who want to know more about the Fashion world.

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