
Know Your Kids’ Clothing Choices By Letting Them Choose Their Apparels!

Kids’ Clothing

Shopping for kids clothes can be exciting and at the same time overwhelming task. Also, I am sure, if you are having kids who are quite elder and are able to make their choices, they must be expressing their desire to shop the clothes as per their choices. Sometimes, you may get despair with the thought of letting your kids choose their own clothes. But, let it be!! Just give a try to your kid’s choice and appreciate his/her choices.

You may worry that they will pick up the clothes that are quite old for them and are not in fashion. As this is a sign that your kid is growing up, you can make him understand how to pick out clothes while giving preference to his/her choices. So, better you train your kids for choosing their own apparels wisely. You can go through following tips for allowing your kids choose their own apparels:

  • Offer them several choices: Nowadays, the toddlers, right from the age of 3 or 4 are the wannabe dictators and are ready to grasp their control wherever they can. Whether it is a children’s clothes wholesale market or a children’s garment retailer shop, you need to give your child a number of choices about the things that don’t matter to you. Also, if you are not convinced by your kid’s choices, you can make them understand the reasons and the flaws that the apparel has. Just a loving conversation with your little one can make him/her understand your point of views.
  • Take required time to practice: By the age of 3, a majority of the children are able to handle the basics of getting dressed. This includes a sweatshirt, elastic-waist pants or even an underwear. Choosing their own clothes makes them feel confident and competent as well. Also, your kid will be happy than ever if you give them the power to dress themselves on their own. Make this a regular practice so that your kids will learn how to dress well daily.


  • Allow them to try: For any of the apparel selection that your child makes, let them try once, even if you don’t like his/her choice. As you have your own likes or dislikes regarding your clothing, it is obvious that your kid is having their own likes or dislikes too. Better be flexible about the preferences of your kid’s clothing as it is okay if you avoid the things that bug your kid. You can even opt the mix-n-match of you and your kid’s clothing. For an instance, if you are worried about her getting trapped in cold, you can opt to make them wear a layer of warm leggings or a t-shirt underneath his/her selected apparel.


  • Plan ahead well: Kids after getting quite older love looking at the photos of themselves. You can use this to your advantage by designing a step-by-step picture guide to your child’s morning activities. This routine chart must include all his daily routine activities, right from waking up to getting dressed well for their breakfast and getting ready for their school. Choosing the outfit a night before can allow you and your kid for next day’s prior planning.


  • Make it in practice: Generally, the preschoolers don’t understand and don’t feel of the same urgency to get out of the door that you carry out in the morning. Rather they opt playing or moving here and there rather than getting dressed up on time. As a result, you need to do something that can turn their dressing into the game. You may say- “I’ll close my eyes and see how fast you can put on your dress or shirts and pants.” You can even set up a timer and reward your kid with a candy before the buzzer goes off.

Thus, these were some of the best tips through which you can let your kids choose their own apparels and add a wing to their personal growth.

Debra Janet
Hi, I'm Debra Janet and I'm a fashion blogger. I really like to help people who want to know more about the Fashion world.

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